Top 10 Edge Computing Use Cases in 2024

There are various use cases of Edge computing and it has multiple advantages which include better longevity, lower operational cost, reduction in bandwidth requirements, and network traffic. Some of the top use cases of edge computing are mentioned below:

1. Machine Automation

Machine Automation is one of the top use cases of Edge computing as it benefits by making better use of manufacturing pieces of equipment that are based on manufacturing patterns. Through edge computing predictive maintenance efforts better energy efficiency can be achieved. It is a winning solution that brings data processing close to where it is collected and eliminated.


  • In machine learning edge computing is related to helping the devices to evolve their processing and operational resource change.
  • Edge computing also represents a major technological advance for industrial automation.
  • It also offers the benefits of data processing, storage, and analysis in real time for informed and fast decision-making.

2. Fraud Detection

Edge computing is also majorly used to detect fraud such as AWS, Cloudflare, Clouand dFront, and combining it with security is the only way to manage the technologies and cultural drivers shaping the future of digital transactions. Edge computing mainly provides real-time fraud detection capabilities.


  • Edge computing helps companies and businesses detect fraud by identifying the bots that are trying to log in with the stolen credentials.
  • By using edge computing as a deployment and encryption point mainly provides digital businesses including those in gaming, retail, banking, and so on.
  • Edge computing helps in reducing the latency because a local server rather than a cloud.

3. Identifying the Faces for Payment

Face recognition is used for identifying a person’s identity by using a digital image of their face. This technology is mainly used to capture, scan, and analyze different patterns based on specific facial details. Therefore it is also considered as one of the top edge computing use cases.


  • Edge computing is useful to identify the faces for payment thus making online payment safely.
  • Retail stores can use edge computing for tasks such as facial recognition payment processing which improves the customer experience in retail by allowing faster checkout.
  • By using this it is beneficial for the individuals as it lets them make any payments safely.

4. Banking Application

Edge computing is also used in banking applications as it allows for distributed computing with both high scale and speed. We know that ATM security has become a big issue nowadays and edge AI can monitor video feeds and analyze them at the edge by integrating image recognition. Using edge computing helps to add an extra layer of security to any transaction.


  • By using edge computing in the banking application it helps to do ATM transactions rapidly.
  • With the IoT development services in the edge computing users can get real-time data from the physical devices like ATMs.
  • Edge computing also helps in bringing the computing power closer whether the user is at a bank branch or by using banking applications on their phone.

5. Telecommunications

Another major use case of edge computing is in telecommunication therefore nowadays businesses in all industries must make decisions in seconds by technology. The telecom providers are the next significant adopters of edge computing by aiming to converge computing, cloud, and connectivity for the edge.


  • Edge computing in telecommunication helps to enhance network performance and latency reduction.
  • In the telecom industry, it helps in improving data security and privacy.
  • Other key benefits of edge computing in telecommunication are efficient resource utilization and cost savings.

6. Increasing the IoT capabilities

The Internet of Things edge is where the sensors and the devices communicate real-time data to a network. Edge computing has an important role in increasing and enhancing the capabilities of the Internet of Things by enabling local processing which mainly addresses bandwidth and latency limitations.


  • Edge computing mainly solves the latency issues that are associated with the cloud as the data is processed closer to its point of origin.
  • It also enables the processing and filtering of the IoT-generated data closer to the devices.
  • It is beneficial for moving computing processes closer to the devices by reducing network traffic.

7. Protecting the Wildlife

Edge computing is also used in protecting wildlife in remote areas as it can process data on the site for real-time poaching alerts and this helps in reducing poaching and improving conservation strategies which further aids the protection of endangered species.


  • Edge computing helps in finding valuable applications in wildlife conservation, particularly the camera traps used in African sanctuaries.
  • It also helps the conservationists to target conservation efforts more effectively.
  • Improve privacy by keeping important wildlife information on local devices, which reduces the chances of it being hacked or seen by unauthorized people.

8. Bridge Inspection

Bridge Inspection is another important use case in edge computing. By equipping the drones with computer vision the inspectors can identify the areas needing repair or maintenance which enables timely interventions. The bridge inspections mainly need specialized types of equipment and personnel to access hard-to-reach areas.


  • Bridge inspections are usually used to evaluate the status and integrity of bridge structures by making sure they are safe and reliable.
  • The combination of computer vision and drones with analysis performed at the edge mainly reduces the risks and costs that are associated with traditional manual inspections.
  • Sensors and cameras on bridges collect real-time data on structural integrity for early issue detection.

9. Monitoring Patients Remotely

In healthcare to monitor patients remotely edge computing is used. The convergence of edge computing and IoT devices has enabled medical institutions to collect data in real-time. By improving the efficiency of short and long-term patient management.


  • Edge computing helps to provide core functions such as data collection and analysis without connecting to centralized servers.
  • It is used to minimize the danger of data leaks by keeping critical patient data locally.
  • It helps to provide quick access to patients’ records by healthcare providers which enhances decision-making and patient care.

10. Autonomous Vehicle

Autonomous Vehicle is an important use case of edge computing as it helps to produce large amounts of data that need to be processed instantly to prevent unsafe delays. The edge computing technologies installed in smart vehicles enable instant communication and real-time data processing.


  • With the help of edge computing, autonomous cars can make faster and more accurate decisions based on real-time data.
  • Autonomous vehicles can connect with edge computing to improve their safety and security.
  • Edge computing enables storage and processing of sensitive vehicle data within the vehicle itself therefore minimizing the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks.

Top 10 Edge Computing Use Cases in 2024

With the increase in Edge Computing, the Internet of Things is also growing rapidly as the devices help in collecting data that needs to be analyzed. Edge computing refers to a type of technological concept that includes distributed cloud computing by using the resources at the network edge.

Edge computing can also be handled by sensor-based devices, network devices transmitting the data, and other related devices. Therefore in this article, comprehensive knowledge has been provided about Edge computing and the top 10 Edge computing use cases in 2024.

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