Time Complexity and Limits of Redis hashes

Generally, the time complexity for most of the Redis hash commands are O(1) only but a some commands such as HVALS, HGETALL, HKEYS are O(N), where N is the size of the input. Up to 4,294,967,295 (232 – 1) field-value pairs can be stored in each hash. In reality, the only factor limiting your hashes is the total amount of memory on the VMs hosting your Redis setup.

Note: Redis Hashes are particularly useful when you need to represent structured data within a single key. They provide an efficient way to store, retrieve, and modify field-value pairs, making them suitable for scenarios such as storing user profiles, configuration settings, and more.

A Complete Guide to Redis Hashes

Redis Hashes are data structures that allow you to store multiple field-value pairs under a single key. Each field-value pair within a hash is referred to as a “field” and “value”. Hashes are useful for representing objects or entities that have various attributes. They are memory-efficient and provide fast access to individual fields.

Important topics for Redis Hahses

  • Syntax:
  • Common Redis Hash Commands:
  • Time Complexity and Limits of Redis hashes:

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