Three-Tier Application In Web Development

Web application will have the same tiers as the three architectures but only difference is that they are with different names.

  1. Web Server: Web server is an presentation tier of an three-tier architecture which servers as an presentation tier or UI (User Interface) tier. This content can be static or dynamic based on there requirement such as an e-commerce site where users can add products to their shopping cart, enter payment details, or create an account.
  2. Application Server: Application tier is an middle tier which consists the full logical that is required for the business which will process the user inputs and so on. It will performs the logic’s like queries the inventory database to return product availability or adds details to a customer’s profile.
  3. Database server: This is back-end tier of an web application it consists all the data so this tier mostly there will be data base such as MySQL, Oracle, DB2 or PostgreSQL.

Three-Tier Client Server Architecture in Distributed System

In this article, we will get into detail about the three-tier client-server architecture. The most common type of multi-tier architecture in distributed systems is a three-tier client-server architecture. In this architecture, the entire application is organized into three computing tiers

  •  Presentation tier
  •  Application tier
  •  Data-tier

The major benefit of the three tiers in client-server architecture is that these tiers are developed and maintained independently and this would not impact the other tiers in case of any modification. It allows for better performance and even more scalability in architecture can be made as with the increasing demand, more servers can be added.

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Three-Tier Application In Web Development

Web application will have the same tiers as the three architectures but only difference is that they are with different names....

Other Multi-Tier Architectures

Three Tier Architecture is the widely used for the application development there are some other architecture as mentioned below....

Benefits of Three-Tier Architecture

Logical separation is maintained between Presentation Tier, Application Tier, and Database Tier. Enhancement of Performance as the task is divided on multiple machines in distributed machines and moreover, each tier is independent of other tiers. Increasing demand for adding more servers can also be handled in the architecture as tiers can be scaled independently. Developers are independent to update the technology of one tier as it would not impact the other tiers. Reliability is improved with the independence of the tiers as issues of one tier would not affect the other ones. Programmers can easily maintain the database, presentation code, and business/application logic separately. If any change is required in business/application logic then it does not impact the presentation code and codebase. Load is balanced as the presentation tier task is separated from the server of the data tier. Security is improved as the client cannot communicate directly with Database Tier. Moreover, the data is validated at Application Tier before passing to Database Tier. The integrity of data is maintained. Provision of deployment to a variety of databases rather than restraining yourself to one particular technology....

Disadvantages of Three-Tier Architecture

The Presentation Tier cannot communicate directly with Database Tier. Complexity also increases with the increase in tiers in architecture. There is an increase in the number of resources as codebase, presentation code, and application code need to be maintained separately....

FAQs On Three Tier Architecture

1. Three Tier Architecture in DBMS...

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