The Online Assessment

The first stage of the CoachIn program is an online assessment lasting approximately 120 minutes, featuring three challenging questions. These questions cover:

  1. Dynamic Programming (DP)
  2. Stack and String Manipulation
  3. A combination of Array and Binary Search

Successfully solving all three questions is crucial for progressing to the next round. The assessment tests not only problem-solving skills but also the ability to manage time effectively under pressure.

My Journey Through LinkedIn CoachIn Program

The LinkedIn CoachIn program is designed to provide participants with professional development opportunities through a structured selection process and comprehensive coaching. This program includes two key stages: an online assessment and a brief, yet insightful, interview. Here is an account of my journey through this program.

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The first stage of the CoachIn program is an online assessment lasting approximately 120 minutes, featuring three challenging questions. These questions cover:...

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Having cleared the online assessment, I advanced to the interview round, which lasted about 10-15 minutes. Despite its brevity, the interview was comprehensive, touching upon various aspects of my academic and extracurricular profile....

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