The Global Issue of Stateless Peoples

The plight of stateless individuals is a pressing global concern, with millions of people worldwide lacking citizenship and its associated rights. Political conflicts, border disputes, and administrative hurdles contribute to statelessness, leaving individuals vulnerable to exploitation and marginalization.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) plays a vital role in addressing the needs of stateless populations, advocating for their rights and facilitating solutions.

Class 11 Polity Chapter 6: Universal Citizenship

In a world characterized by borders and nation-states, the concept of citizenship plays a crucial role in defining rights, belonging, and identity. However, the reality of migration, displacement, and statelessness presents complex challenges to the ideal of universal citizenship.

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The issue of universal citizenship underscores the complexities of migration, displacement, and belonging in the modern world. While states grapple with the tension between national interests and humanitarian concerns, millions of individuals continue to face barriers to citizenship and basic rights....

Universal Citizenship-FAQs

What is the difference between a refugee and a stateless person?...

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