The Echoes of memory

After the conclusion of college fests, the campus returns to its regular study routine, leaving students with bittersweet feelings of nostalgia. They fondly recall the laughter, cheers, and unforgettable moments they shared with friends during the event.

Oriental College of Technology Fest (TechFizz) Experience

TechFizz is the most anticipated event at the Oriental College of Technology, with a long waiting list of attendees. It is a three-day event that takes place during the summer and features over 15 different activities and events. TechFizz is the most celebrated event of the year and is eagerly awaited by students.

TechFizz is organized by the Cultural club of the OCT, along with the Student Activity Council (SAC) members with the different societies of the college. The excitement and anticipation of the event start before the two months of the event. Event comprises of more than 15 events including sports events which has to be scheduled before the start of the main event. The main event comprises of Fiesta night, AlgoQuest, Invento, Dancing events, Mock Parliament, Dancing events, Plantation drive, etc. Sporting activities including Cricket, Football, Basketball, Badminton, Kabaddi and Indoor games will be held. Also one of the major event of the TechFizz is the “Fiesta Night” for which everyone has to be excited. Fiesta Night is one of the grandest and last event of the TechFizz. Absolutely, it was one of the greatest experiences of my life

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TechFizz leave an unforgettable mark on my mind, creating a memorable chapter in the book of my life that they will cherish forever. These events are filled with excitement, happiness, and enthusiasm that provide students with valuable experiences and memories that they can carry forward throughout their lives. The memories of such events become an essential part of one’s college journey and leave a lasting impression that cannot be easily forgotten. I am grateful for the journey and excited for the adventures that lie ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology....

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