Telephonic Call

They called me and asked the following questions:

  • Give me your brief introduction.
    Explanation: This question is to get to know you better. They are interested in your background, your professional journey, and what motivates you.
    Tips: Keep your introduction concise and relevant. Highlight your key achievements, work experiences, and what drives your passion for technology.
  • Detail your technical education.
    Explanation: They want to understand your academic background and how it has prepared you for this role. Mention any degrees, certifications, and special training you’ve undergone.
    Tips: Focus on the most relevant aspects of your education that align with the job you’re applying for. If you have completed any projects, mention them to demonstrate your skills and dedication.
  • What is your passing year of graduation and the completion dates of other courses?
    Explanation: This question helps them gauge your timeline and how recent your education and training are.
    Tips: Be precise with your dates. If there are gaps, be prepared to explain them positively, such as time spent on internships, personal projects, or additional training.
  • What technologies are you familiar with?
    Explanation: This assesses your technical skill set and how it matches the job requirements. Mention all the technologies you have experience with.
    Tips: Be honest and specific about your expertise. Highlight technologies that are relevant to the job you’re applying for and provide brief examples of how you’ve used them in past projects or jobs.
  • How do you rate yourself in each technology?
    Explanation: They are trying to understand your level of proficiency in each technology you mentioned.
    Tips: Use a clear rating scale (like out of 10 I will rate my self 7 in so and so technolgy). Be honest about your proficiency and back up your ratings with examples or experiences that justify your self-assessment.

HumanCloud Interview Experience for Java Developer Intern

Hello tech enthusiasts,

I hope you are all doing well. I’m excited to share my recent interview experience with you. It was a positive and enlightening journey that not only boosted my confidence but also provided me with valuable insights for future preparations. I believe you will find my story helpful and engaging. So, let’s dive right in!

Company Name : HumanCloud, Pune.

Job Post : Backend Java Developer.

Job Application : Online (Via LinkedIn).

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