Technical Round 2 – Bar Raiser (1 Hour)

It was a low-level design round. After the introduction, the interviewer gave me a problem statement. She explained the problem statement and said that she did not need the complete code; I only needed to provide pseudocode.

Problem Statement:

There is a JIRA-like app that consists of buckets, and each bucket contains a list of tasks. Each bucket has a unique ID, and each task has an ID and a user email. Additional data can be added if needed.

Since it was a frontend interview, I only had to provide the solution with respect to the client side.

  1. Suggest the correct datatype to store the data and perform different operations.
  2. Search a task using user email.
  3. Sort the tasks based on ‘created at’ date.
  4. Delete any task.

After I provided the pseudocode for all the questions, she asked me to give the Component design for the same, and then she started with some basic web app related questions:

  1. What is CDN?
  2. What is http2 protocol?
  3. How we keep track of version of an application – (Version Control) ?
  4. What is CI/CD and how we implement ?
  5. How we optismise a web app.

Both interviewers were very kind and helpful; they assisted me whenever I was stuck or heading in the wrong direction. After the interview, both gave me positive feedback.
After a week I got a call from the Kotak’s HR, that I was selected for the third round of interview. It was an onsite interview.

Kotak Mahindra Interview Experience For SDE-2 – (Frontend) 2023

Location – Bengaluru, India

Years of Experience – 2 years of Experience

I Applied through LinkedIn, and after 1-2 weeks I got an email regarding my interview process, the interview process was taken in 2 phases, one with bar raiser and the other with the company’s senior developer.

Total Rounds – 4 (2 – Bar Raiser, 1 – Kotak’s interview panel)

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