Technical Round 1 : (1 hour)

The person started with the introduction and asked about my journey and then my experience and my role in the last project. Later on, he asked why he was looking for a change. And then, started with the same situational-based questions :

Examples: If you want to make a method completely run and save changes to the database if something wrong happens It should roll back How can you achieve this in Spring boot these types 3-4 questions which take a huge time of discussion.
He asked me about the static keyword in Java and the final keyword in Java, and then He gave me a few questions that needed to be solved using Java 8 stream. For example, if you have list<list<String>> name which contains first name and last name I want list<String> ans which contains first names only using Java 8.

Asked me a few SQL queries to Inner Join Left Join and Left Outer Join.

Empower Interview Experience For Java Spring Boot Developer

The interview process began with an online contact from a recruiter via Naukri. She called me described Empower and scheduled an interview with the team :

Online Assessment : NO

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The person started with the introduction and asked about my journey and then my experience and my role in the last project. Later on, he asked why he was looking for a change. And then, started with the same situational-based questions :...

Managerial Round : (1 hour)

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