Technical round -1 : duration: 45-50 minutes

First the interviewer asked to introduce myself ,and then he started with oops .What is encapsulation, polymorphism, abstraction. what are your hobbies and then as my preferred language is CPP he asked me about map. Time complexity of ordered and unordered map. Followed with 2 DSA questions.

Given two sorted linked lists merge them to form a sorted linked list.(Standard question).

It’s an array question of medium level. Given n the size of the array and followed by n elements assume you have n light bulbs arranged in a row starting from 1 to n. Now the array elements represents that that particular bulb is on at this instance. You need to find how many k exist such that first k bulbs are on and last n-k bulbs are off.

(Approach used by me: Take count=0 ,Traverse the array and keep track of minimum element from left when its equal to index (1 based index) then increase count)

Sample :



2 1 4 3 5

2 -> off on off off off -> 0

1 -> on on off off off -> 1

4 -> on on off on off -> 1

3 -> on on on on off -> 2

5 -> on on on on on -> 3

so the answer is 3.

I was able to completely solve the both. Then he asked questions related to DBMS, OS like what is normalization, paging, process, scheduling. (There were 2 interviewers one tested my skills on DSA other on core subjects).

I got qualified for tech round 2.

Intuit Interview Experience for Internship (On-Campus)

Intuit came to our campus for intern and FTE (full-time employment) roles for freshers, it’s an On-Campus interview experience!

There will be 4 rounds in total:

  • Coding round (online)
  • Technical round-1
  • Technical round-2
  • HR round

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