Technical Interview One

After successfully passing this round, I had my first technical interview on 25th April 2024, lasting 45 minutes, with two medium to high-level coding questions. The interviewer was supportive, providing hints and discussing problem-solving approaches throughout the interview. The first question asked was based on dynamic programming where we had to use hash maps to solve the problem, I don’t exactly remember the questions. The second one was more complex, you don’t need to solve the entire problem but implement the pseudo code and explain the approaches properly to clear this round.

Flipkart Interview Experience For SDE 1 (Off-Campus) 2024

Hi, I applied for the Software Development Engineer (SDE-1) position at Flipkart after seeing their LinkedIn post. Following the initial selection based on my resume and work experience, I received an email for an online coding assessment scheduled on April 14th, 2024. The assessment lasted for 90 minutes and comprised three coding questions with medium to high difficulty levels, conducted via SHL. It was a one-time test, and once the exam link was opened, it couldn’t be reopened or rescheduled.

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Questions for Coding Assessment

1. A team of developers needs to run N APIs (i.e. Application Programming Interface) on M applications and each API can run for a certain number of minutes. All applications can be run simultaneously by developers using the APIs provided. At first, the developers used only one API per application. Once an API is started, developers can stop and restart it as many times as they want from their applications. Depending on the application, the API may be a new API or an API from another application. No time is wasted in stopping and starting API processes by an application. To optimise the process of running NAPIs on M applications, the team must find the maximum number of minutes all the applications can run simultaneously using the APIs provided. Write an algorithm to find the maximum number of minutes all the applications can run for simultaneously using the APIs provided. Input The first line of input consists of an integer-api_size, representing the number of APIs (N). The next line consists of space-separated integers representing the run time for each API in minutes. The last line consists of an integer application, representing the number of applications (M). Output Print an integer representing the maximum number of minutes all the applications can run for simultaneously using the APIs provided....

Technical Interview One

After successfully passing this round, I had my first technical interview on 25th April 2024, lasting 45 minutes, with two medium to high-level coding questions. The interviewer was supportive, providing hints and discussing problem-solving approaches throughout the interview. The first question asked was based on dynamic programming where we had to use hash maps to solve the problem, I don’t exactly remember the questions. The second one was more complex, you don’t need to solve the entire problem but implement the pseudo code and explain the approaches properly to clear this round....

Other Interview Rounds

Following Technical Interview 1, I had another technical round focusing on data structures, algorithms, and problem-solving skills. Upon clearing this round, I proceeded to the HR-based interview, which included behavioural questions and discussions about my resume and motivation for joining Flipkart....

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