Taxonomic Classification of Pea



Division Tracheophytes
Phylum Angiospermae



Order Fabales







Scientific Name of Pea

The scientific name of the Pea is Pisum sativum. Scientific names are names that represent organisms, which means that a scientific name consists of a genus and species of an organism. Pea was one of the first crops to be domesticated. The botanical name of the Pea is Pisum sativum which is a member of the family Fabaceae. Pea is a part of the legume that is grown for its edible seeds. The Pisum sativum species grow in pods and produce from the ovary of the pea flower and consist of seeds. All types of peas are used for culinary purposes.

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What is the Scientific Name of Pea?

The scientific name of the Pea is Pisum sativum. In this instance, Pisum is the genus and sativum is the species Peas are an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins A and C, and other minerals. Pea pods are herbs classified as a fruit since they consist of seeds and develop from a flower’s ovary. The average weight of a pea is around between 0.1 and 0.36 grams. Seeds can be planted as soon as the soil temperature reaches 10 °C (50 °F). Peas are requirement of sunlight or partial shade for fast growth and this pea plant grows very fast at 13 to 18 °C. They need general care and maintenance required for supporting their growth. There are many varieties (cultivars) of peas. Some of the most common varieties are of Peas including Garden Pea, Sugar Pea, and Field Pea. Peas can be stored for a very long time, both in canned and frozen form....

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Taxonomic Classification of Pea

Kingdom Plantae Division Tracheophytes Phylum Angiospermae Class Dicotyledoneae Order Fabales Family Fabaceae Genus Pisum Species Sativum...

Characteristics of Pea

Peas consist of some characteristics which make them different from other species in the Plantae....

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