Syntax and Commands

Redis provides simple and intuitive commands to work with HyperLogLog:

  • PFADD key element [element ...]: Adds elements to the HyperLogLog data structure associated with the given key.
  • PFCOUNT key [key ...]: Returns the approximated cardinality of the HyperLogLog data structure associated with the given keys.
  • PFMERGE destkey sourcekey [sourcekey ...]: Merges multiple HyperLogLogs into a single one, stored in destkey.

Complete tutorial on HyperLogLog in redis

Redis HyperLogLog is a powerful probabilistic data structure used for approximating the cardinality of a set. It efficiently estimates the number of unique elements in a large dataset, making it ideal for applications where memory efficiency and speed are crucial. In this article, we will explore what Redis HyperLogLog is, its syntax, and commands, and provide examples of how to use it in real-world scenarios.

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What is Redis HyperLogLog?


How Does Redis HyperLogLog Work?

HyperLogLog works based on the observation that if we hash each element in the set and count the number of leading zeroes in the binary representation of the hash, the maximum number of leading zeroes found across all elements will give us an estimate of the cardinality. The more leading zeroes there are, the fewer distinct elements there are in the set. To achieve this, Redis uses a hash function that maps elements to 64-bit integers and then counts the number of leading zeroes in the binary representation of each hash. The maximum count is used to estimate the cardinality of the set....

Syntax and Commands

Redis provides simple and intuitive commands to work with HyperLogLog:...


Let’s see some examples to understand how to use Redis HyperLogLog....

Features and Uses of Redis HyperLogLog


Performance and Limits of Redis HyperLogLog:



Redis HyperLogLog offers several features and use cases:...

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