Surface Tension Dimension: FAQs

1. What is Formula for Surface Tension?

Surface tension (γ) is defined as the force per unit length or as the energy per unit area. It’s given by γ = F/L, where F is the force and L is the length along which the force acts.

2. What is the Dimensional Formula for Tension?

The dimensional formula for tension (as a force) is [M1L0T-2].

3. How do you Calculate Surface Tension?

To calculate surface tension, measure the force exerted per unit length on an imaginary line drawn on the liquid surface. γ = F/L.

4. What is the Dimensional Formula for Surface Energy?

The dimensional formula for surface energy, which has the same units as surface tension, is [M1L0T-2].

5. What is SI Unit of Surface Tension?

The SI unit of surface tension is Newton per meter (N/m).

Dimensional Formula of Surface Tension

Dimensional Formula of Surface Tension is M1T-2. As we know, surface tension is the property of liquids that influences various phenomena, from the shape of raindrops to the behavior of small insects on water surfaces. Mathematically it is defined as, the force per unit length acting in the plane of the liquid surface and perpendicular to a line drawn on the surface.

In this article, we will provide a brief overview of surface tension and discuss its dimensions, including the derivation of the dimensional formula using the surface tension formula.

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Surface Tension Dimension: FAQs

1. What is Formula for Surface Tension?...

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