Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid

Surface area of a pyramid has two types of surface areas, namely: the lateral surface area and the total surface area, where the surface area of a pyramid is the sum of the areas of the lateral surfaces, or side faces, and the base area of a pyramid.

Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid

Lateral Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid

Lateral Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid is calculated using the formula:

Lateral Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid (LSA) = ½ × Perimeter × Slant Height

Total Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid

The total surface area of a pyramid (TSA) = Lateral surface area of the pyramid + Area of the base

So, TSA = ½ × perimeter × slant height + ½ × base × height

Total Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid (TSA) = ½ ×  P ×  l + ½ bh


  • P is Perimeter of Base
  • l is Slant Height of Pyramid
  • b is Base of Triangle at Base
  • h is Height of Pyramid

Triangular Pyramid Formula

Volume of a triangular pyramid is found using the formula V = 1/3A.H. A triangular pyramid, also known as a tetrahedron, is a type of pyramid with a triangular base and three triangular faces that meet at a single point called the apex.

In this article, we will learn about, Pyramid Definition, Triangular Pyramid Definition, Triangular Pyramid Formula, Examples and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Pyramid?
  • Triangular Pyramid Definition
  • Triangular Pyramid Formula
  • Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid
  • Volume of a Triangular Pyramid

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