Suggestions for Reaffirming Right to Vote

Some of the suggestions for reaffirming the Right to Vote as a fundamental right in a democratic society are:

  • Include the Right to Vote explicitly as a fundamental right in the Constitution.
  • Improve accessibility to polling stations for citizens with disabilities or living in remote areas.
  • Increase transparency and accountability in political funding to reduce the influence of money in elections.
  • Work towards online voting systems to make voting more convenient for citizens, including NRIs and those living abroad.
  • Raise awareness about the importance of voting, electoral procedures, and the impact of individual votes on the governance of the system through various campaigns.
  • Expand postal ballot facilities to all eligible citizens, not just specific groups, to increase convenience and voter participation.

Right to Vote – A Fundamental Right

Right to Vote forms an essential aspect of citizenship in democratic societies. It grants individuals the opportunity to participate in the democratic process and have a say in their government. The right represents the fundamental democratic principles of equality, representation, and responsibility. India celebrated its 13th National Day on 25th January 2023 with the theme “Nothing Like Voting, I Vote for Sure”.

In this article, we’ll learn more about this fundamental right termed as Right to Vote, their legal framework, how it applies to Indian citizens, and many more.

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