Structure of Zwitterion

The structure of zwitterion varies from one compound to another. The compounds that contain both an acidic and a basic group can form a zwitterion, for example, an amino acid. The structure of amino acid as a zwitterion is described below:

Amino Acid as Zwitterion

Amino acids act as the building blocks of proteins in living organisms. Its structure contains an alkaline amino group (-NH2) an acidic carboxyl group (-COOH) and a side chain known as R-group all attached to a single carbon atom. When an amino acid becomes a zwitterion, the amino group has a positive charge, and the carboxyl group has a negative charge, nullifying the net charge. Hence, amino acids is a zwitterion that is electrically neutral and has both acidic and basic group within its molecule.

Zwitterion Structure of Alanine

Alanine is an amino acid that occurs in high levels in its free state and is used to make proteins. Alanine, in its zwitterion structure, has both a positive and a negative charge on it. Its zwitterion structure consists of an amino group (NH3+) which is positively charged and a negatively charged carboxyl group (COO). The structure of alanine as a zwitterion is described below:

Zwitterion Structure of Glycine

Glycine is the simplest and most stable form of amino acid. Its structure contains an amino group (-NH2), a carboxyl group (-COOH), and a side chain with a single H-atom attached to the central carbon. It transfers a proton from the carboxyl group making it negative (COO) to the amino group (NH3+) making it positively charged. This results in glycine to produce a zwitterion. The structure of glycine as a zwitterion is described below:


Zwitterion is a molecule that consists of an equal number of positive (cation) and negative (anion) charges within its structure. As zwitterions contain an equal number of opposite charges the net charge on it nullifies and becomes zero. They are also referred to as inner salts or dipolar salts. Amino acid is the most common example of zwitterion. Zwitterions have a wide scope of application in fields like marine, medical, and biological fields.

Further in this article, we will learn more about zwitterion, the structure of zwitterion, its examples, properties, and uses.

Table of Content

  • What is a Zwitterion?
  • Structure of Zwitterion
  • Zwitterion Polymers
  • Isoelectric Point
  • Calculation of pH value
  • Properties of Zwitterion

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