Structure of Cockroach

The diagram of cockroach shows the structure of cockroach. The external features of cockroach diagram show the following parts:


  • Head of cockroach consists of 3 important structures – antennae, compound eyes, and mouth organ.
    • Antennae – sensory organs. Sensory organs aiding navigation by detecting chemical signals and air movements.
    • Compound eyes – Provide a wide field of vision for detecting predators, threats, and food sources.
    • Mouthparts – consist of mandibles for chewing and maxillae for mixing food before ingesting.

Also Read: Arthropoda


  • The thorax is divided into three main segments, each has a pair of legs.
  • Legs are joint appendages aiding swift movement and surface climbing.
  • Thorax segments are: prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax.
  • Legs comprise segments like coxa, femur, tibia, and tarsus, with sensory hairs detecting touch and vibrations.


  • The abdomen of a male and female cockroach has ten segments
  • Spiracles – small openings located on the sides of the abdomen that allow the exchange of gases and help in facilitating respiration.

Difference Between Male and Female Cockroach

The difference between male and female cockroach is given below:


Female cockroach

Male cockroach

Body Size

Larger in size as compared to males

Smaller in size as compared to females


Shorter and thicker

Longer and slender


Wings are shorter, not extending beyond the thorax

Typically, longer extending beyond the abdomen


The tenth abdominal segment has an anal cerci that may have ovipositor for laying of eggs

The tenth abdominal segment has an anal style (sensory organs)

Reproductive organs

Possess ovaries that produce eggs

Possess testes for the production of male gamete

Diagram of Cockroach

The diagram of a cockroach typically illustrates its external anatomy, showcasing features like the head, thorax, abdomen, legs, wings, and antennae. Cockroaches belong to the phylum “Arthropoda,” under the Animal Kingdom. Students learn the diagram of a cockroach in class 11 in the chapter ‘Structural Organization of Animals’ in NCERT.

The diagram of the cockroach labelled is given below:

Diagram of Cockroach

Table of Content

  • Structure of Cockroach
  • Internal Structures of Cockroach
  • Conclusion – Diagram of Cockroach
  • FAQs on Diagram of Cockroach

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