Structure of Bacteria

The structure of Bacteria is simple which helps them to perform the essential function to survive in a extreme condition. Here is the detailed structure of the Bacteria as mentioned below.

Cell Envelope

  • The cell envelope of bacteria is composed of mucopolysaccharides.
  • Cell envelope (or Glycocalyx) is thick and tough.
  • The Capsule prevents pathogenicity which means it protects the whole bacteria from interactions with components of the host immune system.

Cell Wall

  • The cell wall of bacteria is made of peptidoglycan and provides structural support and protection.
  • It is a mesh-like structure of sugars and amino acids.
  • The cell wall and peptidoglycan play a major role in distinguishing the different types of bacteria based on their Gram-staining characteristics.

Plasma Membrane

  • The plasma membrane is a phospholipid bilayer which surrounds the cytoplasm of the bacteria cell.
  • It controls the flow of different substances in and out of the cell.
  • Maintains the internal environment of the bacteria to perform the necessary metabolic processes.


  • Appendages are the interaction mechanism of the bacteria cells with the environment and other cells.
  • Pilli: They have a thin, filamentous, and tubular structure. Pillis are made up of pilin protein that helps in the process of sexual reproduction.
  • Fimbriae: They are the bristle-shaped structures. Fimbriaes extend from the cell surface that is involved in the attachment process to the substratum.
  • Flagella: It is a long whip-like structure that enables bacterial motility. They allow them to move toward favorable environments or help to escape from harmful conditions. It consists of generally three parts i.e. basal body, hook, and filament. It is made up of flagellin proteins that are randomly arranged.

Internal Structures

  • Mesosomes are inward foldings of the plasma membrane that play essential roles in cellular respiration and cell division.
  • Ribosomes, responsible for protein synthesis, are notably present in bacterial cells as ’70s’ ribosomes.
  • The nucleoid is a specialized region within bacterial cells housing the genetic material, typically comprising a single circular chromosome, and serving as the primary repository of genetic information.
  • Plasmids are small, circular DNA molecules separate from the main chromosome, carrying accessory genes that can confer various advantageous traits to the bacterial cell.
  • Inclusion bodies are insoluble cytoplasmic structures lacking a membrane that serve as reservoirs for storage of essential molecules within the cell.

Diagram of Bacteria

The diagram of bacteria provides a demonstration of various cellular structures. Bacteria are capable of sustaining an independent life and do not depend on the host cells to perform replication. Bacteria reproduce through binary fission. In this article, we will learn the diagram of bacteria and understand the structure along with the classification of bacteria based on different conditions.

Table of Content

  • What Is Bacteria?
  • Diagram Of Bacteria Cell
  • Structure of Bacteria
  • Conclusion- Diagram of Bacteria
  • FAQs – Diagram of bacteria

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