Steps to run the application

To run the application, right-click on the project in the project explorer, and click Run as > Spring Boot App.

Console View:

Console output tells the successful compilation and running of our spring boot project.


Web view of the converted data of .yml to java objects is displayed in the form of JSON.

YAML to List of Objects in Spring Boot

In this article, let us dive into Converting YAML files to a List of Objects in Spring boot. To understand this we need to have some knowledge of the following pre-requisites.

  • YAML: YAML represents a key-value structure that is human-readable data serializable format. The features of YAML including
    • Readability,
    • Ease of writing
    • Understanding makes it a popular choice for configuring files in software development.
  • Jackson’s YAML module: Jackson’s YAML module is used in the Java ecosystem for handling YAML formatted files.

This conversion will help us to inject the YAML data into other classes in the same way as we do for other Spring beans.

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Converting YAML Files to List of Objects in Spring Boot

Step 1: Create your spring boot project...

Steps to run the application:


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