Steps to Implement Cascade operations

1. Define the Entity classes with Relationships

We can define the entity class that can represent the domain model and these can be annotation to mark them as entities and define their relationship between the entities.

Parent Entity:

public class Parent {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Child> children = new ArrayList<>();

// Getter and Setter methods

Child Entity:

public class Child {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;

private Parent parent;

// Getter and Setter methods

2. Configure the cascading behavior

We can use the cascade attribute of the relationship and its annotation to specify the cascade behavior for the entities associated with the application.

Example: In Parent class, the @OneToMany annotation can specify the cascade type. ALL, and it can indicating that all the operations like persist, merge, remove, refresh and detach,. It should be cascaded to the associated with Child entities of the application.

3. Perform the operations and Observe cascading Effects

After configuring the cascading behavior, it can perform the operations on the parent entity and observe how those operations cascade to the associated child entities.

EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
EntityTransaction transaction = entityManager.getTransaction();

try {

// Create a parent entity with Children
Parent parent = new Parent();
Child child1 = new Child();
Child child2 = new Child();

Persist Parent (Cascades to Children)

} catch (Exception e) {
if (transaction.isActive())
} finally {

In the above example,

  • Parent entity is created along with the two child entities and they can associated with each other.
  • When the Parent entity persists due to cascading behavior specified, the persistence operation cascades to the associated with Child entities of the application.
  • Observing the database state before and after the execution of these operation will help in understanding how the cascading operations work in the application.

JPA – Cascading Operations

In Java, JPA is defined as Java Persistence API, which simplifies the process of managing relational data in Java applications. One of the key features of the JPA is Cascading Operations, which allow the propagation of state changes from one entity to the related entities of the JPA application.

It enables the automatic persistence, removal, and detachment of the related entities when changes are made to the parent entity. It ensures data consistency and simplifies the management of the object graphs in the application.

Cascade operations:

  • CascadeType.ALL: The ALL cascade type can propagate all operations, like the PERSIST, MERGE, REMOVE, REFRESH, and DETACH to the child entities of the JPA application.
  • CascadeType.PERSIST: The PERSIST cascade type can propagate the persist operations when the parent entity is persisted and the operation cascades to the child entities.
  • CascadeType.MERGE: The MERGE cascade type can propagate the merge operation and its parent entity is merged the operation cascades to its child entities of the JPA application.
  • CascadeType.REMOVE: The REMOVE cascade type can propagate the remove operation when the parent entity is removed then the operation cascades to its the child entities of JPA application.
  • CascadeType.REFRESH: The REFRESH cascade type can propagates the refresh operation when the parent entity is refreshed when the operation cascades to its the child entities of the JPA application.

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