Steps to Generate Angular Project

Step 1: Install globally if you haven’t already

npm install -g create-nx-workspace

Step 2: Creating NX workspace

Use npx-create-nx-workspace to generate nx workspace.

command : npx create-nx-workspace my-nx-workspace

After this command, it will ask us to choose stack, we will use “angular with modern tooling” option.

selecting stack for nx workspace generation

Choose remaining options as you want, and wait some time for workspace generation.

Step 3: Generate the Angular application

Use the Nx generator with the @nrwl/angular:app to create a new Angular application using following command.

 nx generate @nrwl/angular:app my-angular-app

This command will generate angular app in our nx directory.

Note : Replace “my-angular-app” with your application name of choice.

Step 4: Build and serve the application

Once the generation is complete, we can build and serve your new Angular application. Use following command to serve and build the application.

command : nx serve my-angular-app

Note : This command will build the application and start a server at http://localhost:4200 by default



Generate an angular@16 project within nx workspace

Nx Workspace is a powerful tool that provides monorepo-style development for Angular projects. It offers enhanced capabilities for managing multiple applications, libraries, and shared code within a single workspace. In this article we will see how to generate an Angular 16 project withing NX workspace.


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Steps to Generate Angular Project

Step 1: Install globally if you haven’t already...

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