Steps to Create the Frontend Application

Step 1: Initialize the React App with Vite and installing the required packages.

npm create vite@latest -y

Step 2: Navigate to the root of the project using the following command.

cd client

Step 3: Install the necessary package in your project using the following command.

npm install axios

Step 4: Install the node_modules using the following command.

npm install

Event Dashboard using MERN Stack

In this article, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of creating an Event Management System using the MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, React, NodeJS) stack. This project will showcase how to set up a full-stack web application where users can manage events by posting details about the event and deleting it when it has been completed.

Preview of final output: Let us have a look at how the final application will look like:

New Event

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Approach to create an Event Dashboard:

The component displays a event with Titile , Location , Date for each event.Dashboard display list of event and allows admin to add new event and update existing event by clicking on corresponding buttons.Call Api using axios via useEffect.Uses useEffect to handle fetch events and attempts to re-fetch in case of errors.In server/server.js file, initialize the server and connect to MongoDB.Defines an initial configuration with express.json() and cors.server/models/eventSchema.js is the schema for the event model. It contains the title, description, date, and location of the event....

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Step 1: Create a directory for project...

Project Structure(Backend):

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Steps to Create the Frontend Application:

Step 1: Initialize the React App with Vite and installing the required packages....

Project Structure(Frontend):

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