Steps to Create Chat Application using React Hooks

Step 1: Create a new project using below command

npx create-react-app chat-app

Step 2: While all the packages are installing lets create a project in Firebase.

  • Head over to the Firebase dashboard
  • Create a new project
  • Once your project is set up you will have to configure a Firestore database and activate authentication for your project.
  • Remember to save your Firebase setup information as it will be necessary on, in our React application.

Step 3: Install Required Dependencies Like Firebase & React Firebase Hooks using below command

npm install firebase react-firebase-hooks

Step 4: Install TailwindCSS

npm install -D tailwindcss
npx tailwindcss init

Step 5: Setup TailwindCSS Configuration By Adding Below Code to tailwind.config.js file in Content Section


Step 6: Import Below Code to index.css file

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Chat Application using React Hooks and Firebase

In the era of technology messaging apps have become an aspect of our everyday routines enabling us to engage and interact with others promptly. For developers interested in crafting their messaging app leveraging React Hooks in conjunction, with Firebase presents a strategy, for constructing a dynamic, responsive, and expandable chat system. This piece will delve into the process of developing a messaging app using React Hooks and Firebase showcasing its features and advantages throughout.

Output Preview: Let us have a look at how the final output will look like.

Chat Room In logged in State

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React Hooks Firebase Tailwind CSS...

Approach to Create Chat Application:

Authentication: Use Firebase Authentication for user sign-in and sign-out. Navbar: Create a Navbar component to display the app title and sign-in/sign-out buttons based on user authentication status. Chat Component: Implement a Chat component to display messages and allow users to send new messages using Firebase Firestore. Message Component: Develop a Message component to display individual messages with sender information. Styling: Apply styling to components for a visually appealing interface. Testing and Deployment: Test thoroughly and deploy your app to a hosting platform like Firebase Hosting. Message History: In the chat app past messages will be. Shown to users when they enter the chat room. Users have the ability to exchange messages instantly through real time messaging facilitating communication. Users can create an account. Access the chat app, by google sign in method for authentication....

Steps to Create Chat Application using React Hooks:

Step 1: Create a new project using below command...

Folder Structure:

Project structure...

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