Steps Taken By The Government To Improve Digital India

From time to time Government of India took a number of steps to improve Digital India. These are

  • The government provides a framework for an India Digital Ecosystem of Agriculture(IDEA), that establishes an integrated agricultural data architecture. It would involve the use of public data that links them to digital land registers. The step will act as a breeding ground for building Agri solutions using new technologies to explore the contribution to creating an ecosystem for agricultural development in India.
  • The National e-Governance Plan in Agriculture (NeGP-A), allocates funds to States for projects using modern technology E.g. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Mechanical Engineering (ML), Robotics, Drones, Data Analysis, Blockchain, etc. are developed under the plan.
  • The Government of India has launched the National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) system to create a transparent online competitive bidding system that will make it easier for farmers to get benefits from their produce.
  • To make agriculture machinery support more transparent, the government has developed a DBT(Direct benefit transfer), a central performance testing portal for agricultural machinery, and a FARMS mobile application.
  • Investment in digital interconnection and fibre-optic infrastructure is a worthy activity in the projects covered by the Central Industries’ Financing System Scheme under the Agricultural Infrastructure Fund. The programme provides support for building infrastructure according to crops and farm equipment in the community.
  • The National Mission on agricultural extension and technology aims to strengthen agricultural extension so that farmers can receive the right technology and better agronomic methods. This is intended to be accomplished by interactive information transmission techniques, the application of ICT, popularisation of contemporary technology, capacity building, etc.
  • Bharat Nirman is an initiative to develop and improve fundamental rural infrastructure. This plan intends to improve rural communications infrastructure by 40% and provide telecommunication facilities to remote rural areas. There has been a rise in teledensity in rural areas under Bharat Nirman.
  • Different kind of app has also been developed to improve Digital India. Such as
  • Farm Mech App deals with decision support in choosing the right farm equipment for the five major crops of Tamil Nadu. It also has a strong network of over 2250 individual recruitment service providers on the Android platform.
  • Farm Safety: This all provides safety instructions and information about safety equipment to avoid accidents when using different types of farm equipment.
  • Rooftop Water Balance Model (Mobile App): Useful for defining design requirements for decision makers as to how water savings and water security can result from rooftop water collection systems.

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