Steps for Packet Trasmission in Bus Toplology

Step 1: Trasmission Initiation

First, if a device wants to send the data, it checks if the bus is in an idle state. If the bus is in an idle state, the device starts transmitting the packets into the bus.

Step 2: Broadcasting

As the bus topology has a single communication line, the packets are broadcast to mainly all the devices that are connected to the bus. Every device gets the packets, but only the desired recipient processes them which are matched through the packet’s destination address.

Step 3: Collision Detection

There are collision detection mechanisms in Bus Topology, that use CSMA/CD protocols to avoid any collisions between two devices transmitting data simultaneously.

Step 4: Packet Reception

The desired device checks the destination address of each packet. If the address is matched with the device address, then the device processes the data otherwise, it ignores the packet.

Step 5: Transmission Completion

When all the packets are transmitted and revived by the desired devices, the transmission process in the bus topology is completed.

How Packets are Transmitted in Bus Topology?

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Answer: In the Bus topology, the devices are mainly connected in a single communication line which is called a bus. When the device wants to transmit or send data, it sends the packets through the bus.

Steps for Packet Trasmission in Bus Toplology...

Steps for Packet Trasmission in Bus Toplology

Step 1: Trasmission Initiation...

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