Steps for customizing Git prompt

Step 1: Open Terminal

Launch your terminal application. You can use any terminal emulator, such as Terminal on macOS, GNOME Terminal on Linux, or Command Prompt on Windows with Git Bash.

Step 2: Locate Shell Configuration File

Depending on your shell (e.g., bash, zsh), locate the configuration file where you can customize the prompt. Common files include .bashrc, .bash_profile, .zshrc, etc.

Step 3: Edit Configuration File

  • Open the shell configuration file in a text editor.
  • Add or modify the PS1 variable to include Git information. For example:
export PS1="\[\e[1;32m\]\u@\h \[\e[1;34m\]\w \[\e[0;33m\]\$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '^*' | colrm 1 2)\[\e[0m\] $ "

This PS1 setting includes the username, host, current directory, and Git branch (if applicable) in the prompt.

Step 4: Save and Apply Changes

  • Save the changes to the configuration file.
  • Source the configuration file or restart your terminal for the changes to take effect.


Before customization:

username@hostname ~/project-directory $

After customization (with Git branch information):

username@hostname ~/project-directory main $

Final Changes:

Customizing the Git prompt

Customizing the Git prompt can significantly enhance your Git workflow by providing relevant information directly in your terminal. In this guide, we will explore the process of customizing the Git prompt, including defining key terminologies, providing a step-by-step process, using examples, and addressing common FAQs.

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