Step by step instructions to open the Chrome web browser using Rselenium

Step 1: Open up the Rstudio and create a new script named openingChrome.R

Step 2: Import the Rselenium package into the Rstudio by using the following command:



Step 3: Create a new Rselenium server using the Chrome web driver.


rdriver <- rsDriver(browser = "chrome", # browser name
                   port = 8090L, # port number
                   chromever  = "98.0.4758.102", # browser version

This will create a new Rselenium server and will start the Chrome web driver.

Step 4: Create a client object of the Rselenium server to interact with the web browser by using the following command:


rseleniumClientObj <- rsDriver$client

Step 5:  Navigate to the URL [] using the following command:



Step 6: To close the browser and server, run the following command:



The above piece of code in R will close the Chrome web browser and the Rselenium server.

Below is the complete implementation.


# Opening the Chrome web browser using the RSelenium 
# load the required packages
# start the Selenium server
rdriver <- rsDriver(browser = "chrome", # browser name
                    port = 2180L, # port number
                    chromever  = "98.0.4758.102", # chrome browser version
# creating a client object and opening the browser
rseleniumClientObj <- rdriver$client
# For navigating to the url
# For closing the browser


How to open Google Chrome with RSelenium?

In the article, we are going to learn how to open a Chrome browser using Rselenium package and how to visit a URL. To do so, we must have the following package installed onto our system:

  • Java
  • R and Rstudio
  • Rselenium
  • Web Driver


  • Java: We have to install java before using the Rselenium package to avoid any error. We can install Java using the following tutorials:
  • R and Rstudio: R binary is required to compile the R code. Rstudio is required to run the R code. We can install R and Rstudio by referring the following articles:

For installing R programming language, go to the official site of R programming and download R for Windows(or Mac).

For installing Rstudio you can refer to this article:

  • Rselenium: Rselenium is required to automate the web. We can install Rselenium using the following command:




This will install the Rselenium package into the Rstudio.

  •  Web Driver: Web Driver is a special package that is required to communicate with the web for automation. We can install the Chrome web driver suitable for our Chrome version from the following link:

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