Static Computation graph in Tensorflow

Properties of nodes & edges:  The nodes represent the operations that are applied directly on the data flowing in and out through the edges. For the above set of equations, we can keep the following things in mind while implementing it in TensorFlow:

  • Since the inputs act as the edges of the graph, we can use the tf.Placeholder() object which can take any input of the desired datatype.
  • For calculating the output ‘c’, we define a simple multiplication operation and start a tensorflow session where we pass in the required input values through the feed_dict attribute in the method for calculating the outputs and the gradients.

Now let’s implement the above calculations in TensorFlow and observe how the operations occur:


# Importing tensorflow version 1
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf
# Initializing placeholder variables of
# the graph
a = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
# Defining the operation
c = tf.multiply(a, b)
# Instantiating a tensorflow session
with tf.Session() as sess:
    # Computing the output of the graph by giving
    # respective input values
    out =, feed_dict={a: [15.0], b: [20.0]})[0][0]
    # Computing the output gradient of the output with
    # respect to the input 'a'
    derivative_out_a =, a), feed_dict={
                                a: [15.0], b: [20.0]})[0][0]
    # Computing the output gradient of the output with
    # respect to the input 'b'
    derivative_out_b =, b), feed_dict={
                                a: [15.0], b: [20.0]})[0][0]
    # Displaying the outputs
    print(f'c = {out}')
    print(f'Derivative of c with respect to a = {derivative_out_a}')
    print(f'Derivative of c with respect to b = {derivative_out_b}')


c = 300.0
Derivative of c with respect to a = 20.0
Derivative of c with respect to b = 15.0

As we can see, the output matches correctly with our calculations in the Introduction section, thus indicating successful completion. The static structure is evident from the code, as we can see that once, inside a session, we can not define new operations(or nodes), but we can surely change the input variables using the feed_dict attribute in the method.


  • Since the graph is static, it provides many possibilities of optimizations in structure and resource distribution.
  • The computations are slightly faster than a dynamic graph because of the fixed structure.


  • Scales poorly to variable dimension inputs. For example, A CNN(Convolutional Neural network) architecture with a static computation graph trained on 28×28 images wouldn’t perform well on images of different sizes like 100×100 without a lot of pre-processing boilerplate code.
  • Poor debugging. These are very difficult to debug, primarily because the user doesn’t have any access to how the information flow occurs. erg: Suppose a user creates a malformed static graph, the user can’t track the bug directly until the TensorFlow session finds an error while computing backpropagation and forward propagation. This becomes a major issue when the model is enormous as it wastes both the time and computation resources of the users.

Dynamic vs Static Computational Graphs – PyTorch and TensorFlow

TensorFlow and Pytorch are two of the most popular deep learning libraries recently. Both libraries have developed their respective niches in mainstream deep learning with excellent documentation, tutorials, and, most importantly, an exuberant and supportive community behind them. 

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