Stateful vs Stateless Architecture

Below are the differences between stateful and stateless architecture:


Stateful Architecture

Stateless Architecture

Session Management

Server maintains session state for each client

No session state is stored on the server


Scaling requires synchronization of session data

Horizontal scaling is straightforward

Fault Tolerance

Failure in one server affects sessions stored on others

Failures are isolated, impacting only individual requests


May experience increased latency due to session management

Typically faster response times due to lack of session overhead

Resource Usage

Requires more resources for session state management

Utilizes resources efficiently due to lack of session state

Caching Strategies

Caching strategies may be complex due to session data

Simplified caching strategies without session state

Deployment Complexity

Deployment may be more complex due to session synchronization

Easier deployment and maintenance due to statelessness

Offline Support

Can provide limited offline support due to session data

Limited offline support without session state

Transaction Integrity

Ensures transaction integrity by maintaining session context

Transactions are isolated, ensuring integrity at request level

Load Balancing

Load balancing may require consideration of session affinity

Simplified load balancing without session considerations

Development Focus

Developers need to manage session-related issues

Developers can focus more on business logic without session concerns

Stateful vs. Stateless Architecture

Stateful architecture maintains client session data on servers, while stateless architecture treats each request independently. This article will explore how these approaches impact scalability, performance, and design considerations in modern software development.

Important Topics for Stateful vs Stateless Architecture

  • What is Stateful Architecture?
  • What is Stateless Architecture?
  • Stateful vs Stateless Architecture
  • Benefits of Stateful Architecture
  • Benefits of Stateless Architecture

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