Square root of 120 by Long division Method

The following procedures must be followed to determine the square root of 120:

Step 1: As here we start with the number 120 and use decimal points with the pairing of zeroes.

Step 2: Choose a perfect square less than 120 as the initial dividend. Hence divisor will be 10.

Step 3: Since the divisor is 10, the quotient is 10. therefore dividend will be 20. Subtract 100 from 120 and add 0 in the divisor.

Step 4: The new divisor is 209, the dividend is 20. Now put decimal after in quotient and bring down two zeros. Therefore the new dividend is 2000.

Step 5: Add a digit at the left of 1 in the divisor i.e. at the unit place and also place the same digit in the quotient such that the product is near to 2000.

Step 6: Multiply the new divisor 101 by the digit we just added to the quotient (1). This gives us 101 × 1 = 101. Subtract 2000 from 101 and get 1899.

Step 7: This process should be repeated until the square root of 120 is found in three decimal places or approximate value until 10. 95.

Square Root of 120

Square root of 120 is ± 10.954. Here, 10.954 is the number which when multiplied by itself will give the product equal to 120. In radical form, it is written as √120. To find the square root of 120, we have to use the methods like long division method, the Prime Factorisation method, and the Repeated Subtraction Method.

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