Square Pyramid

What is a square pyramid?

Square pyramid is a 3-D figure with a square base and four triangular faces joined at a vertex.

Mention the few properties of a square pyramid?

Few properties of square pyramid are:

  • Square Pyramid has the base of a square.
  • It has five vertices and four triangular faces.
  • Square Pyramid has 8 edges.

What is the formula for the volume of a square pyramid?

Formula for the volume of a square pyramid is 

Volume = (⅓)×(Base area of a square)×(Height of the square pyramid) cubic units.

Square Pyramid Formula

In geometry, a pyramid is a three-dimensional shape with a polygonal base and three or more triangular faces that meet at a common point above the base, known as the apex or vertex. A pyramid is a polyhedron that is classified according to the shape of its polygonal base, such as

The apex is the meeting point of a pyramid’s lateral surfaces or side faces. The perpendicular distance from the center of the base to the apex is called the height of a pyramid, while the slant height of a pyramid is defined as the perpendicular distance between the apex and the base of a lateral surface.

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