In SQL, the ALTER COLUMN statement is used to modify or change the definition of an existing column in a table. It allows you to change the data type, size, nullability, default value, and other properties of a column. The syntax for the ALTER COLUMN statement varies depending on the database system you are using, but generally, it follows the pattern:


The basic syntax of the ALTER COLUMN statement is:

ALTER TABLE table_name

ALTER COLUMN column_name new_data_type [other_modifications] ;

Explanation of Syntax:

  • ALTER TABLE table_name: Name of the table that contains the column to be altered.
  • ALTER COLUMN column_name: Name of the column that will be changed.
  • new_data_type: New data type for changing the current datatype of a column.
  • [other_modifications]: Other modifications include adding or dropping constraints.


In today’s data-driven world, successful organizations require the ability to process and manipulate data effectively as part of their business foundation. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a powerful tool that enables users to manipulate relational databases. Within SQL, there is an entity where data can be stored, retrieved, and manipulated.

This article is all about a feature in SQL called ALTER COLUMN statements. It explains that columns are an important part of database management systems, and sometimes their properties need to be changed. The article lists some common situations where you might need to change a column’s properties.

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In SQL, the ALTER COLUMN statement is used to modify or change the definition of an existing column in a table. It allows you to change the data type, size, nullability, default value, and other properties of a column. The syntax for the ALTER COLUMN statement varies depending on the database system you are using, but generally, it follows the pattern:...


Example 1: Altering Data Type...


In Conclusion, ALTER COLUMN statement in SQL is a mighty modifying tool that helps to change the attributes of existing columns in database tables. Changing data types, adding constraints, renaming columns and making other changes are all possible through ALTER COLUMN statement thereby providing users with a chance to adapt their database schemas as per the ever changing needs....

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