Splitting the editor screen Vertically.

1. After opening a file with Vim and entering normal mode by pressing the “Esc” key, proceed to execute the following command.




2. This will split the editor screen into two sections vertically. A keyboard combination exists for horizontal split as well “ctrl + w” and then press “s”.

3. To Toggle between the workspaces use the following commands. To navigate to the top pane and bottom pane respectively use the following key bindings.

  • CTRL + w and j – Navigate to the top pane.
  • CTRL + w and k – Navigate to the bottom pane.

4. To move the workspace window to the far right or far left of the screen use the below mentioned key bindings.

  • CTRL+w and J – Move current window the far bottom and use the full width of the screen.
  • CTRL+W and K – Move current window the far top and full width of the screen.

5. Vertical resizing can be performed after splitting the workspace vertically by utilizing the following command.

vertical resize <size as number>


:vertical resize 20

6. Windows can be rotated from left to right or right to left [Only works if the workspace is split vertically] using the following commands.

  • CTRL+w and r – Rotates the windows from left to right – only if the windows are split vertically.
  • CTRL+w and R – Rotates the windows from right to left – only if the windows are split vertically.

Splitting Vim Screen Horizontally and Vertically in Linux

Vim, short for “Vi IMproved,” is an open-source text editor which is considered to be one of the most powerful and popular text editors for Linux. Vim is a powerful and highly configurable text editor which is known for its extensive feature set. It is available for free download and use across various platforms, including MacOS, Linux, and Windows. In this article we will see how to split the vim editor screen horizontally and vertically.

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