Splitting Rows of a Spark RDD by Delimitor

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) are a core abstraction used in Apache Spark to describe a distributed group of immutable objects that may be processed concurrently over a cluster of computers. Splitting the rows of an RDD based on a delimiter is a typical Spark task. Spark is able to handle big datasets in parallel by employing the methods and objects to distribute the computation over a cluster of computers.

We can use the map transformation to apply a function to each element of an RDD to divide rows of an RDD by a delimiter. Based on the delimiter, the function should divide the row into an array of values and return the array as a new element.

Steps to split Spark RDD Rows by Delimitor in Python

Let us see a step-by-step process of how to divide rows of an RDD when a delimiter is provided.

Step 1: Import the required Modules

First of all, we will import the Python PySpark module for Spark RDD.

from pyspar.sql import SparkSession

Step 2: Create a Spark Session

Then, create a spark session. The SparkSession.builder object is a builder method that is used to set up and create the SparkSession. If a SparkSession with the specified name already exists, the getOrCreate() method returns it; otherwise, it creates a new one.

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("SplitRowsByDelimiter").getOrCreate()

Step 3: Create an RDD

Before we divide an RDD’s rows, we must first make an RDD of strings. We can accomplish this by reading data from a file or by using the parallelize method to create an RDD from a list of strings.

data = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(["apple,orange,banana", "carrot,tomato,potato"])

Step 4: Define a Split Rows function

Once we have an RDD of strings, we must define a function to divide each row based on a delimiter into an array of values. For instance, we can define a function that uses the split method to divide each row by a comma.

def split_row(row):
    return row.split(",")

Step 5: Split all the Rows

After creating the function, we can use the map transformation to apply it to each row of the RDD. A function is passed as a parameter to the map transformation, which applies the function to each element of the RDD and then creates a new RDD with the altered items.

split_rdd = rdd.map(split_row)

Step 6: Collect the result as an array list

After applying the function to each row using the map transformation, we will use the collect action to gather the result as an array list. The driver program receives all of the RDD’s elements via the collect action, which may then be processed like any other list.

result = split_rdd.collect()

How to split rows of a Spark RDD by Deliminator

For processing huge datasets, Apache Spark is a potent distributed computing system. A fundamental concept that describes an immutable distributed collection of objects in Spark is called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). Splitting the rows of an RDD based on a delimiter is a typical Spark task. For parsing structured data, like CSV or TSV files, this can be helpful. In this article, we will learn how to split the rows of a Spark RDD based on delimiter in Python.

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