Splitting dataframe by column

Splitting dataframe by column names

The dataframe can also be referenced using the column names. Multiple column names can be specified using the c() method containing column names as strings. The column names may be contiguous or random in nature. 


data-frame[,c(col1, col2,...)]

Example: splitting dataframe by column names


# create first dataframe
                        col4 = letters[1:6]
print("Original DataFrame")
# extracting sixth row
data_frame_mod <- data_frame1[,c("col2","col4")]
print("Modified DataFrame")


[1] "Original DataFrame" 
col1 col2 col3 col4
 1 Grp1    1    1    a 
2 Grp1    2    2    b 
3 Grp2    3    1    c 
4 Grp2    1    2    d 
5 Grp3    2    1    e 
6 Grp3    3    2    f 
[1] "Modified DataFrame" 
col2 col4 
1    1    a 
2    2    b 
3    3    c 
4    1    d 
5    2    e 
6    3    f

Splitting dataframe by column indices

The dataframe can also be referenced using the column indices. Individual, as well as multiple columns, can be extracted from the dataframe by specifying the column position. 



Example: Split dataframe by column indices


# create first dataframe
                        col4 = letters[1:6]
print("Original DataFrame")
# extracting last two columns
data_frame_mod <- data_frame1[,c(3:4)]
print("Modified DataFrame")


[1] "Original DataFrame" 
col1 col2 col3 col4
 1 Grp1    1    1    a 
2 Grp1    2    2    b 
3 Grp2    3    1    c 
4 Grp2    1    2    d 
5 Grp3    2    1    e 
6 Grp3    3    2    f 
[1] "Modified DataFrame" 
col3 col4 
1    1    a 
2    2    b 
3    1    c 
4    2    d 
5    1    e 
6    2    f

How to split DataFrame in R

In this article, we will discuss how to split the dataframe in R programming language.

A subset can be split both continuously as well as randomly based on rows and columns. The rows and columns of the dataframe can be referenced using the indexes as well as names. Multiple rows and columns can be referred using the c() method in base R.

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