Solved Examples on Points of Inflection

Example 1: f(x)=x3.


First derivative: f'(x)=3x2

Second derivative: f”(X)=6x

Find Potential Points of Inflection:

Set the second derivative equal to zero:



Test for Sign Change:

for x<0 (e.g., x=-1):

f”(-1)=6(-1)=-6 (negative, concave down)

for x>0 (e.g., x=1)

f”(1)=6(1)=6 (positive , concave up)


There is a point of inflection at x=0 because the concavity changes from down to up.

Example 2: g(x)=x4-4x3+6x2


First derivative: g'(x)=4x3-12x2+12x

Second derivative: g”(x)=12x2-24x+12

Find Potential Points of Inflection:

Set the second derivative equal to zero:





Test for Sign Change:

for x<1 (e.g. , x=0)

g”(0)=12(0)2-24(0)+12=12 (positive, concave up)

for x>1 (e.g., x=2)

g”(2)=12(2)2-24(2)+12=12 (positive, concave up)


There is no point of inflection at x=1 because the concavity does not change.

Example 3: h(x)=x3-3x2+3x-1


First derivative: h'(x)=3x2-6x+3

Second derivative: h”(x)=6x-6

Find Potential Points of Inflection:

Set the second derivative equal to zero: 6x-6=0


Test for Sign Change:

for x<1 (e.g., x=0):

h”(0)=6(0)-6=-6 (negative, concave down)

for x>1(e.g., x=2):

h”(2)=6(2)-6=6 (positive , concave up)


There is a point of inflection at x=1 because the concavity changes from down to up.

Example 4: k(x)=sin(x) on the interval [0,2π]


First Derivative: k′(x)=cos(x)

Second Derivative: k′′(x)=−sin(x)

Find Potential Points of Inflection:

Set the second derivative equal to zero:


So, x=0,π,2π.

Test for Sign Change:

  • For x=0:
    • For x<0 (e.g. x=-0.1): k”(-0.1)=-sin(0.1) ≈ 0.1(positive)
    • For x>0 (e.g., x=0.1): k”(0.1)=-sin(0.1) ≈ -0.1(negative)
  • For x= π:
    • For x<π(e.g. x=π-0.1): k”(π-0.1)=-sin(π-0.1) ≈0.1 (positive)
    • For x>π (e.g., x=π+0.1):k”(π+0.1)=-sin(π+0.1) ≈-0.1(negative)
  • For x=2π:
    • For x<2π (e.g., x=2π-0.1): k”(2π-0.1)=-sin(2π-0.1)≈ 0.1 (positive)
    • For x>2π (e.g., x=2π+0.1):k”(2π+0.1)=-sin(2π+0.1) ≈-0.1(negative)


There are points of inflection at x=0,π,2π because the concavity changes at these points.

Concavity and Points of Inflection

Concavity and points of inflection are the key concepts and basic fundamentals of calculus and mathematical analysis. It provides an insight into how curves behave and the shape of the functions. Where concavity helps us to understand the curving of a function, determining whether it is concave upward or downward, the point of inflection determines the point where the concavity changes, i.e., where either curve transforms from concave upward to concave downward or concave to convex, and vice versa. These concepts are essential in various mathematical applications, including curve sketching, optimization problems , and the study of differential equations.

In this article, we’ll shed lights on the definitions, properties, and practical implications of concavity and points of inflection.

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In conclusion, understanding concavity and points of inflection is essential for analyzing the behavior of functions and interpreting their graphical representations accurately. Concavity provides valuable insights into how a function curves, distinguishing between concave upward and concave downward shapes, while points of inflection mark locations where the curvature changes sign. Through mathematical analysis and graphical representations, we can identify concave regions, determine intervals of concavity, and pinpoint points of inflection, aiding in various applications such as curve sketching, optimization, and analyzing the behavior of functions in real-world scenarios....

FAQs on Concavity and Points of Inflection

What is concavity, and why is it important in mathematics?...

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