Software Engineering Projects For Expert

11. Exchanging Loyalty Points

Nowadays most companies & banks are offering loyalty points on every purchase they make. But, the major drawback is that more than 60% of points get wasted due to unstable tracking of those points. To boost this, blockchain-based exchange of loyalty points will enable an easy exchange platform for their users.

With this project, a tokenized loyalty point system can be introduced so that perform 3 tasks seamlessly:

  • Track their loyalty points
  • To check no tampering has been done
  • To spend loyalty points on their desired choices

Key Features

  • This software engineer project aims to provide a decentralized system which means there will be only one ownership i.e. USER
  • This project aims to provide advanced high security which can be achieved using Tomochain, which is a scalable blockchain network.
  • This project can reduce operational costs and will minimize the chances of errors.

12. Fingerprint Voting System

This project focuses on building a finger-print EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) that will lead to conducting successful elections. It’s a solid solution for any small-scale elections and can also be used within organizations for conducting polls during meetings.

Since, this project runs in electronic mode, the manpower, time, and transportation would be relieved if this can be planned to introduce on a bigger scale. It would also require Proteus Design Suite for ARM module operation which will alert when one candidate will try to vote multiple times.

Key Features

  • This project would require – 1 Voting System, a Fingerprint module, and an ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) controller.
  • Paperless User Identification can be conducted after the introduction of fingerprint EVM which can save lots of time and resources.
  • In this project, both the candidates and the admin can view the results in real-time.

13. Railway Time Tracking & Prediction System

This app is intended to build to fetch details from one end and push it to the user’s end. By using this application, users can easily track their train along with its timing, running status, and expected time to reach (user’s desired) station. It’s a web-based application having two modules i.e. admin and user.

Applications like these use predictive methods and rail tracking applications can also be found nowadays on the play store and app store. The app will be designed to help local commuters and can also be used to use for tracking buses (after applying minor upgradation).

Key Features

  • This software engineer project entails an admin system (module) that will fetch all the required details of the train including train number, timing, etc. and the same will be passed through the server which can be later tracked by the user.
  • Admin will have permission to add/remove information such as train arrival, expected arrival/departure, and so on.
  • Software Requirements: Windows – SQL – VS 2010

14. Suspicious Activity Tracker

This project will build an automated AI camera system to track any suspicious activity to prevent any unfortunate incidents in Banks, Malls, Airports, etc. The activity tracker will use schematics to work on the behavioral patterns and gestures of a person on the live feed.

If any such activity (fighting, pointing guns, etc.) occurs, an automated alarm will start ringing and nearby Police will get notified about the incident. This would require training cameras and deploying ML models, also customized functions can be added for auto-triggering the message/calls. 

Key Features

  • Three major components are required for this project, they are:
    • Raspberry Pi 4
    • RPi Camera
    • Speaker or Amplifier
  • This software engineer project would require an ML model to teach working on normal modules such as walking, talking, reading, etc. so that the camera can be trained for this project.
  • You can use TensorFlow, Lobe, or Edge Impulse to prepare this model and the method can be aligned with Raspberry Pi to convert the normal camera into a smart one.

15. Emotion-Based Music Player

The introduction of AER (Audio Emotion Recognition) and MIR (Music Information Retrieval) has made it possible to build systems by applying machine learning algorithms. This project entails working on automation to generate playlists for users.

Where the AER technology will evaluate the audio waves depending on the mood and emotions of the user, the MIR will follow a pattern to fetch the desired outputs based on the provided input.

Key Features

  • The emotion modules included in this project could be sadness, joy-anger, joy-surprise, joy-excitement, joy, sad-anger, and anger.
  • The accuracy may vary between 80% -90% for detecting real-time images.
  • This software engineering project can revolve around three pillars i.e. Audio Feature Extraction Module, Emotion-Audio Recognition Module, and Emotion Extraction Module.

Top 15 Software Engineering Projects (2024)

Software Engineering has become the mainstream for IT Industry today. Every year more than 3 Lakh students land software engineering jobs as fresher and the demand for software engineers has been rapidly rising. 

With the increase in demand, the competition has been rising every year and it would require you to practice rigorously so that you can easily fit into IT Industry. To begin with this, you are required to analyze which domain (programming language & S.E. stream) to pick, and then only you’ll be able to build projects to gain expertise and confidence.

In this article, we will be sharing the best hand-picked software engineering projects from Beginner – Intermediate – Expert levels that will help you in sharpening your programming skills.

But, before we move ahead, let’s talk about the need for software engineering in today’s world. 

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