Social Initiatives of Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru was a supporter of socialism as well as secularism and thought that a socialist-style welfare state was necessary. Nehru’s social initiatives included:

Preventing Malnutrition

Giving children free milk and food, setting up adult education centers, and setting up vocational and technical schools

Eliminating the Caste System

Modifying laws to make caste discrimination unlawful and subject to legal penalties.

Hindu Civil Code Reform

Ensuring Hindu widows received the same treatment as males regarding inheritance and property.

Encouraging Social Awareness

Promoting respect for democratic principles and social concern for the underprivileged and marginalized.

Nehru aimed to eradicate inequality of opportunities, sickness, and poverty. His life’s work was to elevate the moral standing and ethical standards of people everywhere while also raising their level of living.

What is Nehruvian Era? History, Impact on Economics

The Nehruvian era (1947-1964) marks Jawaharlal Nehru’s tenure as India’s first Prime Minister. It included the enactment of the Indian Constitution, the implementation of Five-Year Plans to promote a diverse economy, and a focus on secularism and education. Despite obstacles like the China crisis of 1962, Nehru’s non-aligned foreign policy was important on a global scale. India’s democratic and socioeconomic progress was made possible during this period.

In this article, we will look into the history, features, economic policies, impact, social initiatives, challenges, and criticisms of the Nehruvian Era.

Table of Content

  • What is the Nehruvian Era?
  • History of the Nehruvian Era
  • Main Features of the Nehruvian Era
  • Impact of Nehru on Indian Politics
  • Economic Policies of the Nehruvian Era
  • Social Initiatives of Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Jawaharlal Nehru’s Foreign Policy and Non-Aligned Movement
  • Challenges of the Nehruvian Era
  • Criticism of the Nehruvian Era
  • Conclusion – Nehruvian Era

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Conclusion – Nehruvian Era

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