Skills Acquired

  • Proficiency in database design principles, RDBMS, and SQL query optimization techniques.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, honed through requirement analysis and complex data modeling.
  • Effective communication and collaboration skills demonstrated through successful teamwork with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.


My internship at Accelero Cars provided me with invaluable hands-on experience in database development within the automotive industry. I am grateful for the opportunity to have contributed to the company’s success and look forward to applying the skills and knowledge gained to future projects. Special thanks to w3wiki for providing the foundational knowledge essential for my success in the industry. I learned all core subjects from gfg which is practically used in industries.

Accelero Cars Work Experience For Database Development Intern

At Accelero Cars, I spearheaded the creation of a dynamic database system tailored to the unique needs of an emerging automotive venture. This project aimed to streamline data management, boost operational efficiency, and foster better decision-making across various departments within the company.

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Key Responsibilities:

Requirement Analysis:Worked closely with department stakeholders to understand business needs, identifying essential data elements and functionalities vital for the database system’s success. Analyzed the complete business landscape before diving into database design. Database Design:Employed industry-standard methodologies to craft a scalable and efficient database structure. This involved creating entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) and defining table structures to ensure data integrity and optimal performance, focusing on higher normalization for better efficiency(preferred BCNF) Data Migration:Assisted in migrating existing data from diverse sources into the new database. Implemented data cleaning and validation processes to ensure data accuracy and consistency throughout the migration. Database Implementation:Utilized SQL to implement the database schema in a relational database management system like MySQL or PostgreSQL. Developed tables, views, stored procedures, and triggers to support data manipulation and enforce business rules. Query Optimization:Fine-tuned SQL queries to enhance data retrieval and manipulation efficiency. Employed indexing and profiling tools to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks, ensuring swift data access. User Interface Integration:Collaborated with front-end developers to seamlessly integrate the database backend with user interfaces. Developed APIs and data access layers to enable smooth data retrieval and manipulation for end-users....


Successfully designed and deployed a robust database system, streamlining data management and enhancing operational workflows. Played a pivotal role in ensuring data accuracy and integrity during the migration process, facilitating a seamless transition to the new database. Received commendations from stakeholders for delivering a solution that surpassed expectations in terms of functionality, performance, and user-friendliness....

Skills Acquired:

Proficiency in database design principles, RDBMS, and SQL query optimization techniques. Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, honed through requirement analysis and complex data modeling. Effective communication and collaboration skills demonstrated through successful teamwork with cross-functional teams and stakeholders....

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