Significant features of Indian Standard Time

  • The Indian Standard Time is determined from the 82°30’E meridian which passes through Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh.
  • This 82°30’E meridian is termed as Indian Standard Meridian.
  • Indian Standard Time is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time by five and half hours i.e 330 minutes.
  • Five states: Uttar Pradesh(UP), Madhya Pradesh(MP), Chhattisgarh, Orissa, and Andhra Pradesh(AP) have Indian standard meridian passing through them.
  • The Indian Standard Time was adopted in India on the day India became independent of British rule on 15th August 1947.
  • Indian standard time is also adopted by Sri Lanka.

Problems of A Single Time Zone

  • India extends 3,000km from east to west, with different sun rising and daylight hours from east to west.
  • These different sunshine hours should lead to different working hours but due to the adoption of a single standard time, people in Gujarat wake earlier before sunrise, and their working hours begin earlier.
  • Specialists at the National Physical Laboratory said the single-time region is “gravely influencing lives” as the sun rises and sets significantly sooner than true working hours.
  • People in the east begin utilizing their lights before the day and subsequently utilize greater power hence the power consumption is more in the east.
  • In winters, the issue is more terrible as the sun set so early that greater power is consumed “to keep life dynamic”.

Adopting two time zones for India is a very good solution to the above-mentioned problems. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of having double time zones for India.

Advantages of having two Time Zones in India

  • Synchronizes dawn and nightfall timings. Individuals will work better and plan better, as per regular time cycles.
  • The examination paper by National Physical Laboratory demonstrates that India’s expected reserve funds in energy utilization could associate with 20 million kWh a year if it follows dual time zones. 
  • Following dual time zones reduces power consumption as the active sunshine hours are utilized to the full extent.
  • A decrease in energy Utilization will chop down India’s carbon impression. In this way helping India’s purpose to battle environmental and climatic change.

Disadvantages of having two Time Zones in India

  • In India, the railway train timings and trains schedules aren’t completely computerized. Hence if the usage of dual time zones leads to multiple train crashes and huge infrastructural damages.
  • Resetting clocks with each intersection of the time region would be very difficult.
  • The cross-over between office timings diminishes with dual time zones existing. Significant areas like banks, ventures, and MNCs would confront challenges in acclimating to the new time zones.
  • Double cross zones can have unfavorable political results as India separated from getting partitioned on the lines of religion, standing, race, language, and so on, presently will get isolated on the lines of Time Zones.

The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west but the watches show the same time. How does this happen?

The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west but the watches show at the same time, this happens because of the “Indian Standard Time”.

Indian Standard time is the standard time followed all over India. According to Indian geography, the sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat as a result of this the people experienced sunshine hours and day duration. But this isn’t considered in the calculation of time in India. Only one standard time is adopted throughout India and this time is Indian Standard Time.

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Significant features of Indian Standard Time

The Indian Standard Time is determined from the 82°30’E meridian which passes through Mirzapur in Uttar Pradesh. This 82°30’E meridian is termed as Indian Standard Meridian. Indian Standard Time is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time by five and half hours i.e 330 minutes. Five states: Uttar Pradesh(UP), Madhya Pradesh(MP), Chhattisgarh, Orissa, and Andhra Pradesh(AP) have Indian standard meridian passing through them. The Indian Standard Time was adopted in India on the day India became independent of British rule on 15th August 1947. Indian standard time is also adopted by Sri Lanka....

FAQ’s on Indian Standard Time

Question 1:What is the use of the standard Meridian?...

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