Signed integer vs Unsigned integer

Below are the differences between signed integers and unsigned integers:

Parameters Signed Integers Unsigned Integers
Represents  Positive and negative whole numbers. Non-negative whole numbers.
Data Type  int  uint
Default Size  256 bits  256 bits
Size Range  8-256 bits  8-256 bits
Positive Values Representation  The most significant bit (MSB) is 0  All bits represent the magnitude
Negative Values Representation  The most significant bit (MSB) is 1  N/A
Maximum Value  2^(n-1)-1 2^n-1
Overflow and Underflow Issues More prone to overflow and underflow issues due to negative values representation Less prone to overflow and underflow issues
Common Use Cases Balances, prices, and other numbers that may be positive or negative Quantities, amounts, and other values that are guaranteed to be non-negative

Solidity – Integers

Integers help store numbers in smart contracts. Solidity provides two types of integers:

  • Signed Integers: Signed integers can hold both positive and negative values, ranging from -2 ^ 255 to 2 ^255 – 1.
  • Unsigned Integers: Unsigned integers can hold only integer values equal to or greater than zero, ranging from 0 to 2 ^256 – 1.

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