Setting up the App Directory

Step 1: Create a Folder (eg. CricGFG).

Step 2: Set up the virtual environment. Here we create an environment .env

python -m venv .env

Step 3: Activate the environment.


Create Cricket Score API using Web Scraping in Flask

Cricket is one of the famous outdoor sport played worldwide. There are very few APIs providing live scoreboards and none of them are free to use. Using any of the scoreboards available we can create API for ourselves. This method not only works for Cricket Scoreboard but also for any information available online. Following is the flow in which this blog would guide to create an API and deploy it. 

  • Setting up the App Directory
  • Web Scrape data from NDTV Sports.
    • Beautiful Soup in Python would be used.
  • Create an API.
    • Flask would be used.
  • Heroku would be used for deployment,

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Setting up the App Directory

Step 1: Create a Folder (eg. CricGFG)....

Getting the Data

Step 1: In Python, we have Beautiful Soup which is a library to pull out data from HTML files. To install Beautiful Soup, run a simple command;...

Creating the API


Deploying API on Heroku


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