Setting up Necessary files


The given code in Python handles two web pages: “home” and “gen_resume.” The “home” view renders an HTML template named ‘index.html’ when the user accesses it. The “gen_resume” view is used to generate a resume and handles POST requests containing form data. The view collects data from the POST request and then renders an HTML template named ‘resume.html’ with the collected data passed as context to the template.


from django.shortcuts import render
def home(request):
    return render(request, 'index.html')
def gen_resume(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        name = request.POST.get('name', '')
        about = request.POST.get('about', '')
        age = request.POST.get('age', '')
        email = request.POST.get('email', '')
        phone = request.POST.get('phone', '')
        skill1 = request.POST.get('skill1', '')
        skill2 = request.POST.get('skill2', '')
        skill3 = request.POST.get('skill3', '')
        skill4 =request.POST.get('skill4', '')
        skill5 =request.POST.get('skill5', '')
        degree1 = request.POST.get('degree1', '')
        college1 = request.POST.get('college1', '')
        year1 = request.POST.get('year1', '')
        degree2 = request.POST.get('degree2', '')
        college2 = request.POST.get('college2', '')
        year2 = request.POST.get('year2', '') 
        college3 = request.POST.get('college3', '')
        year3 = request.POST.get('year3', '')
        degree3 = request.POST.get('degree3', '') 
        lang1 = request.POST.get('lang1', '')
        lang2 = request.POST.get('lang2', '')
        lang3 = request.POST.get('lang3', '')     
        project1= request.POST.get('project1', '')
        durat1 = request.POST.get('duration1', '')
        desc1 = request.POST.get('desc1', '')
        project2 = request.POST.get('project2', '')
        durat2 = request.POST.get('duration2', '')
        desc2 = request.POST.get('desc2', '')
        company1 = request.POST.get('company1', '')
        post1 = request.POST.get('post1', '')
        duration1 = request.POST.get('duration1', '')
        lin11 = request.POST.get('lin11', '')
        company2 = request.POST.get('company2', '')
        post2 = request.POST.get('post2', '')
        duration2 = request.POST.get('duration2', '')
        lin21 = request.POST.get('lin21', '') 
        ach1 = request.POST.get('ach1', '')
        ach2 = request.POST.get('ach2', '')
        ach3 = request.POST.get('ach3', '') 
        return render(request, 'resume.html', {'name':name, 
                                               'about':about, 'skill5':skill5,  
                                               'age':age, 'email':email, 
                                               'phone':phone, 'skill1':skill1,
                                               'skill2':skill2,  'skill3':skill3, 
                                               'skill4':skill4,  'degree1':degree1, 
                                               'college1':college1, 'year1':year1, 
                                               'college3':college3, 'year3':year3, 
                                               'degree3':degree3, 'lang1':lang1, 
                                               'lang2':lang2,  'lang3':lang3,
                                               'degree2':degree2,  'college2':college2, 
                                               'year2':year2, 'project1':project1,
                                               'durat1':durat1, 'desc1':desc1, 
                                               'project2':project2,  'durat2':durat2,
                                               'desc2':desc2, 'company1':company1, 
                                               'post1':post1, 'duration1': duration1, 
                                               'company2':company2, 'post2':post2, 
                                               'duration2': duration2,'lin11':lin11,
                                                'lin21':lin21, 'ach1':ach1,
                                                'ach2':ach2,'ach3':ach3 })
    return render(request, 'index.html')

Online Resume Builder using Django

In this article, we will create an online resume builder web app. We will start by filling out a form with our personal information. Once the form is completed, we can generate a resume. Additionally, we will ensure the PDF generation quality to make the final result closely resemble the original resume in a professional and proper format. To use this service, you only need to input your information and submit the form.

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