Setting Cookies in FastAPI

Create a folder named ‘gfg_fastapi’ and create a file named and copy paste the below code:

In the below code we first created the app using FastAPI class and the defined the “/” endpoint which will have a response parameter. The response instance is used to set the cookie using the ‘set_cookie’ method present in it.


from fastapi import FastAPI, Response, Cookie
from typing import Annotated
app = FastAPI()
def func(response : Response):
    response.set_cookie(key = "gfg_cookie_key", value = "gfg_cookie_value")
    return {"message" : "Cookie is set on the browser"}

Running the Application

To run the above application copy paste the below command and run in terminal

python -m uvicorn app:app --reload


The server will be up and running and will be available at the below URL

When you open the above url on web browser of your choice, the “/” endpoint defined in the application is hit and the func function is executed which set the cookie on the browser.

Application “/” endpoint

You can see the cookie being set in the browser using the developer tool.


FastAPI – Cookie Parameters

FastAPI is a cutting-edge Python web framework that simplifies the process of building robust REST APIs. In this beginner-friendly guide, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to use Cookie in FastAPI.

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Setting Cookies in FastAPI

Create a folder named ‘gfg_fastapi’ and create a file named and copy paste the below code:...

Getting Cookies in FastAPI


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