Selection Process

  • Online test
  • Technical Interview (Online)
  • Managerial interview (Online)

Online Test:

It was a 60-minute long exam with 3 sections. each section with a separate time period

  • 20 Aptitude MCQ [Level: Easy-Moderate] [Time: 40 Minutes]
  • 5 Programming MCQ (Outputs & General) [Level: Easy] [Time: 5 Minutes]
  • 1 Essay (On why you chose Computer science and why you want to join TCG Digitals) [Time: 15 Minutes]

Technical Interview (Online):

I received an email on the evening of exam day inviting me to a technical interview on Google Meet at a specified time the next day. The following day, I had two interviewers, during the interview they asked me questions about my resume and projects in addition to some technical ones. It was a 20-25 minute long process. The questions asked were.

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Tell me the difference between Abstract class and Interface.
  • What is an algorithm, and why do we need to use it?
  • Why you did not mention Java in your resume (As I am proficient with C++)
  • Do you have any Idea about oops, Explain it to me.
  • Tell me about polymorphism
  • Why multiple inheritance works with C++ but not with Java. How you can achieve it on Java.
  • How to use interface in Java.
  • How you will reverse a string (just approach)
  • What do you think Machine Learning is.
  • What is NLP (as I had a project on it)
  • Explain to me one of your projects.
  • What is your favorite machine learning algorithm and why.
  • What is a queue data structure.
  • What is the Linked list?
  • Give me an example of a one-to-many and many-to-one relationship in real life.
  • What is Normalization
  • What kind of relationship does a student have with their roll number?

Managerial Interview (Online):

The purpose of my 15-minute managerial interview the next day was primarily to find out my level of technological understanding. The questions asked.

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Tell me about your hobbies.
  • Have you heard about ChatGPT? what is it?
  • What do you think about its impact on society for the next years is it going to replace humans or like that
  • Tell me about your thoughts on the data science trends in the next years.
  • Do you have any problem statement in your mind that can be solved by artificial intelligence?
  • Explain to me your use of artificial intelligence in your projects.
  • Do you have any questions?

My Experience :

First and foremost, I would want to discuss the interviewers’ conduct; they were nice to me. I was anxious at first, but they reassured me that it’s usual for all candidates to take a deep breath. They never lost patience with me, even if I made mistakes occasionally. after that when I asked about their company’s work they explained me nicely.

Overall, I had a great time, and I’m happy that I was chosen for this job.


I want to give 2 advice not only for this company but for all.

  • Learn all of the fundamentals including OOPs, computer networks, DBMSs, and data structures.
  • Prepare everything that is listed on your resume.
  • Explore the company’s research about their works and prepare for that.

All The Best.

TCG Digital Solutions Interview Experience For Graduate Engineer (On-Campus)

In December 2024, TCG Digital Solutions Private Limited conducted an on-campus recruitment drive at our college.

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Selection Process :

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