In SQL Count( ) is an aggregate function that counts the number of rows available in a table or the number of rows that match condition criteria.




  • COUNT(column_name): This part specifies the column that you want to count.
  • FROM <TABLE_NAME>: This part specifies the table from which you want to retrieve the column data.
  • WHERE <CONDITION>: This part is optional but if you want to apply filter data then you use this. This part applies the condition while retrieving the data.


In the world of SQL(Structured Query Language), the ‘SELECT’ statement is a fundamental and powerful tool that allows you to retrieve and manipulate data stored in a database. In this article, we see what is SELECT in SQL, how the Count function works with the select command, the different arguments of the Select statement, the syntax of the Select statement with the Count function, and the examples on different conditions.

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In SQL Count( ) is an aggregate function that counts the number of rows available in a table or the number of rows that match condition criteria....

Examples of Select Count

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The SELECT statement in SQL is a flexible and essential tool for retrieving and manipulating data from the database. When we use the COUNT() function with Select, it becomes more powerful, allowing you to perform data analysis and obtain valuable required data. The COUNT() function can also handle null values while counting rows and finding distinct values from the column. After reading this article you can use the COUNT() function easly and retrive valuable data from a table....

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