Seam Welding

This type of welding is also called continuous spot welding where a roller form electrode can be used to supply current all through work parts. At first, the roller electrodes are getting out to the work part. These electrode rollers can carry a high current, melting the edge surfaces and shaping a weld joint.

Seam Welding

The electrode rollers will start moving on work plates to make a super durable weld joint. The weld timing and cathode development can be controlled to ensure that the weld cross-over and work part doesn’t get excessively warm. When seam welding is used to create airtight joints, the speed of the welding can be about 60 inches per minute.

Advantages of Seam Welding

  • The welds created by the seam welding are impenetrable and water-tight.
  • Seam welding is a quick welding interaction and it tends to be computerized utilizing mechanical machines.
  • It does not require any filler or flux materials.

Disadvantages of Seam Welding

  • The resistance seam welding process has a few drawbacks, including the fact that it uses roller electrodes and can only produce welds in straight lines or uniformly curved lines.
  • It isn’t appropriate for metal sheets of thickness more than 3 mm per sheet.

Applications of Seam Welding

  • Resistance seam welding is utilized for a number of purposes, including the creation of lap joints.
  • It is utilized in assembling cycle of different kinds of strain tight or sealed tanks, for example, gas tanks, oil switches, transformer tanks, airplane tanks, and so on.
  • Utilized for welding parts of vessels that should to be air tight and water tight.
  • For welding of pipes and tubes.

Electric Resistance Welding

In the past days, the process of metal welding should be possible by heating the metals and pressed jointly which is known as the forge welding method. In any case, as of now, the welding innovation has been changed by the arrival of electricity. In the nineteenth century, resistance, gas, and arc welding was invented. After this, there are various types of welding technologies have been imagined like friction, ultrasonic, plasma, laser, and electron beam welding. However, the uses of welding technology essentially include different industries.

In this article, we will be going through Resistance Wielding, We will start our Article with the Introduction of Resistance Wielding, Then we will go through the Working Principle of Resistance welding and With its Types, Then We will through its Specification, At last, we will conclude our article with its Advantages, Disadvantages, Applications, Comparison Between Resistance and Electric wield and Some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • What is Resistance Welding?
  • Working Principle
  • Types
  • Specifications
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Applications
  • Resistance Welding Vs Electric Arc Welding

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Comparison Between Resistance Welding and Electric Arc Welding

Features Resistance Welding Electric Arc Welding Supply For the most part, AC supply is utilized for resistance welding Both AC and DC supply can be utilized in the arc welding. Power Factor In resistance welding, the power factor is low. In arc welding, the power factor is poor Requirement of External Pressure In resistance welding, outer tension is expected for joining the metals. In arc welding, no outside pressure is required. Subsequently, the hardware is straightforward and simple to control. Requirement of Filler Material With the resistance welding, no filler material is included any structure for joining the two metal pieces. Filler metal rod is required for arc welding to ensure that the joint has sufficient strength. Voltage Resistance welding requires an extremely low voltage. In the event of arc welding, the striking voltage is high. Hence, it needs voltage control. Temperature In resistance welding process the temperature raise isn’t exceptionally high. In arc welding, the arc segment temperature is extremely high. On the off chance that it isn’t dealt with as expected, it might harm the work-piece. Production of Heat In the resistance welding, the intensity is delivered because of the progression of current primarily through the contact resistance. In the circular segment welding, the intensity is delivered because of the curve made between the electrode and the work-piece. Suitability Resistance welding is generally appropriate for large scale manufacturing and furthermore for fix work. Arc welding is appropriate for fix work. However, it is incompatible with mass production....


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Electric Resistance Welding – FAQs

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