Script Component

The ‘<Script>’ component is a way to include external scripts or libraries in your application. It is often used for loading third-party scripts or adding custom scripts to specific pages. This is a prebuilt Component in Next.js

There are the some Commone Props in <Script/> Component

  • src: It is required prop in <Script> Component. This prop define the external javascript url.
  • strategy: This prop allow you to control the behaviour of loading and executing the external script.


import Script from 'next/script'

export default function Page() {
    return (
            <Script src=""
                strategy="afterInteractive" />

Next.js Components

NextJS is a popular and powerful React Framework that simplifies building modern web applications. It was created by Vercel (formerly Zeit), and NextJS simplifies the process of building modern web applications by providing a robust framework.

Table of Content

  • What is a Component?
  • Image Component
  • Link Component
  • Script Component

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Script Component

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