Save Guider Output to a File

We can save trace data or any output in a file for later analyzing it. They save the trace data in a file called (by default) in the current directory by using the following command:

 sudo guider -s .

We can also save other outputs in a file called guider. out (by default) in the current directory.

sudo guider top -o .

We can inspect these files through the cat command like this:

$ cat guider.dat
$ cat guider.out

For getting more help regarding guider to use the following command:

guider/ --help

Guider a System Wide Linux Performance Analyzer

Guider is an open-source integrated performance analyzer tool written mostly in Python for Linux operating systems. Most of the functions required for measuring, analyzing, testing, and verifying Linux system performance are provided in Guider. Guider provides most of the features like  Monitoring, Profiling, Visualization,  control, Logging, Test. 

Information concerning CPU, memory, disk usage per thread, processes, system functions (user/kernel) are shown which makes it easy to know the root cause for abnormal system performance and improve them.

In this article, the installation of guider from source will be shown and also how to use it to analyze and improve overall Linux operating system performance. 

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